Well they are indeed.
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I'm nice only to a certain extent
navigations are the fours lines of lyrics. they are profile, entries, tagboard and links navigations respectively (from the top). |
Saturday, December 18, 2010, 2:23 AM
If you ask me, "What are idols mean to you?" oh, well, Wednesday, December 15, 2010, 3:39 AM
Am back full-color scaled
Her whisper is the rooshifur~ Lucifer-Shinee yes, yes. I know you're freaking out. This syndrome has spread over my class. I loved Jpop & when I was like... a 3rd grader (first song heard on AniMusic: YUI-LIFE), kpop when I had my first smartphone, (first kpop music heard ACCIDENTALLY when I was downloading for an English music titled 'Heaven' on Dilandau.com, I ended up downloading 'Heaven' by BIGBANG. So basically I'm not new to this another world of...... different- Blah, there's nothing wrong with weird languages, and not mentioning Indonesian language is actually weird too, for example: "Apa?", "Bego!", "Baju", "Meja", dll. They're actually sound like primitive "Huba huba! Boho boho! Gaha!". But I'm proud of Indonesia. And anyway, I think of Jpop and Kpop are equals. So no raging fangirls here, hahahahah. I was first attracted by the title. Like, I mean, 'LUCIFER'?! Korean also know such thing as 'lucifer'?? Not many people know what 'lucifer' means in the old-days (well, I had a weird habit for knowing such things when I was on the 7th grade, so I know). Then opened youtube, greeted by this fancy song, "Her whisper is the Lucifer~fer~fer~" (well, not echoing, exactly), and the DANCE. I'm amazed, really. Like, "SUCH PEOPLE EXIST?! UOH MAKAN APAAN KOK--" dan seterusnya, dan seterusnya. And oh yeah, I have been practising that Lucifer dance for a while (watch on youtube), and me, myself, can do some parts of it! Which is a major increasing for an anak-rumahan-yang-tiap-hari-di-depan-laptop finally be able to workout some real SWEATSSSS. (yay weight decrease!) Actually it was Super Junior who introduced the whole 'korean-people-are-ah-mah-zing-super-talented-blah-blah' teory I had. CAUSE IT'S TRUE. ****** ******* ****!!! (sensored to avoid jpop fangirls raging). Ok, Jpop songs for Anime wins, and Kpop super-ah-mah-zing-blah-blah-dance .... (God, please peace upon fangirls...............please *shiver*) Back to the old-days~ Yep, my first kpop song was Heaven by BIGBANG. When I first heard it I laughed. a lot. very much, actually. Like, "GAHAHAH WHAT THE HECK TWENTY FOUR SEVEN-WHAT?! HAHAHAH~!!". Ok, ok, sorry, but it was really hillarious. But when I opened youtube (yep, youtube has been a dear to me), saw G-Dragon, TOP, and other BigBang members, it was actually awesome. Very awesome. And by the way, G-D & TOP made some new releases yesterday, the first one up officially published on Youtube @5pm. Here are some of the photo concept: G-D on the left, TOP as a vampire on the right. Yep, G-D color his hair back to original, and TOP wants it silver. So, good day for you, Kpop & Jpop fangirls, don't rage here, comment at the box (a.k.a cbox) if you want to, well er..... Fangirling, ahahahah. Don't be mad, Jpop fans, I actually made a Jpop posting on my old blog, which has been abandoned for some looooong-dusty-years. And maybe if something Japanese attracts me (which is by the way, LOLITA costumes themself are mostly made in Japan), I will post it here. Fairfarren, Kinan P.S: BY THE WAY BY THE WAY, the fonts coloring finally WORKS * super terharu*. On the previous posts, it was just pink-red-blue again&again&again, but nowww my blog will be colorful~ Gosshhh~ I loooooove colors~!! <333 Friday, December 10, 2010, 11:34 PM
for the fact that no one would stop me. ha, no way. I can rip anything, rule everything, beat anyone, for I am a dreamer. I may be strong, fierce, and fearless, for I am alone. I laugh out loud, shout my heart out, & blow my lungs, for I am happy, happier than most of you. I do anything I desire, show something that screams my name, for I am a personality. I do things differently, speak sarcasm, and tell fairy tales, for I am not you. Let's say I'm a child. A mere child. And this is a child-play. A drama. And I'm an actress, for I am not the director. I've been acting for the whole life, dove too deep in the scenarios. Believing what my heart wants me to be. A fragile being with an iron cover. The one you know everyday. Believe me not, this is not autism. Role-playing without costumes. It went fun as far as I know. But it's anti-climax, non-stop fun. What's thrilling? Nothing, I am searching for some serious fun. The word 'boring' seems so arrogant, for there are a lot of children that dreams to have days like me. Drama days, no, normal days. Days that are normal, exactly. Without wars, blood, poison-gasses, and bullets. Days when you can still whistle and walk like half-dancing around. Perfect, isn't it? Everything went good, great, amazing, awesome, normal. I want to tell you about the ironic part in my normal days, but unfortunately, I don't feel like it. It's quite boring so, yeah. I only want to avoid any misunderstanding here. heheh. And by the way, yes, this is the me you knew everyday that would make a very-wide smile and say thank you repeatedly for things you've done to me. Copy-Paste-ing would be a shame on me. Forget me not, for I am always remember you. Search me not, for I am always there. Hate me not, for I don't hate you, until the very limit. And Fairfarren, Kinan Saturday, December 4, 2010, 3:38 PM
CELLO Lolita
Back with the lolita, found another unique one, but this time not a violin, but with a cello (gosh, isn't there any lolita with a guitar?) KANON WAKESHIMA translated to English: Hi Miss Alice With your glass eyes What kind of dream Can you see? Are you fascinated with? Stilll My heart tears And drifts Stuck in the patched crevices Are memories Hi Miss Alice With that fruitful lips To whom does love Is cast away? Is lamented? Already I spin my words Feverish tongue Has turned cold The song to love Can't be sung either still you do not answer Heart warming, very, pretty. Her songs are often used in animes osts, and became famous in Vampire Knight. My favorite songs of hers are:
And much more~ And like other celebrities, she also has a website, visit her here Fairfarren, Kinan |
Vanity isn't a sin, a little narcissm wouldn't hurt. |
A arum zisma B sarah Dila C Thaya Aira D Dhinna Zara E "Ajenk backtoyesterday
+ aid to the broken + the sanity has fled leaving me blushing r... + YOU BUILD UP A WORLD OF MAGIC BECAUSE YOUR REAL ... + "Everybody hates me, but you love me & I love y... + A Day In High School + boohoo + Give Night Some Love, Man + Happy 2012 + "Why won't you love me?! I'll be anything you want... + I once had that 'thing'. that pumps blood to the ... wheni'mgone
+ July 2010 + August 2010 + September 2010 + October 2010 + November 2010 + December 2010 + January 2011 + March 2011 + April 2011 + May 2011 + June 2011 + July 2011 + August 2011 + September 2011 + October 2011 + November 2011 + December 2011 + January 2012 + March 2012 + June 2012 + August 2012 + December 2012 + May 2013 takeabow
An accidentality production Inspiration from DancingSheep & BONBON:D |