but I'm like, what am I doing right now.
It is a month or so to my final test. Yes I am currently in my last year of middle school WHICH MEANS yes I am soon going to experience high school.
To me high school is always manga. I mean the majority of 'school-life' mangas /coughshoujomajoritycough/ always takes place in high school. So I'm afraid, y'know.
I'm afraid that I won't do/experience something epic in the last three of my teenage years.
Cuz for some reason I'm stuck here. The chains won't let us sing. but maybe I'll run away.
but I'm still here, tumblr youtube twitter mangawebs are opened innocently.
I couldn't care less. Final test is coming soon but y'know, it's like,
"If I can be happy being a 'nobody', why not just be 'nobody'?".
All that matters to me is happiness. But I'm happier to receive free food better than receiving good grade.
& I know that I actually 'should' care. what is wrong with me.
There are tons of mangas to read, tons of animes to watch, tons of games to play.
So I just don't get it.
Oh by the way within the first 3 months of 2012 I've won 2 eng competitions. Interesting.
How did that happen again.
& Fairfarren, it's getting too late. Give night some love, man.
bye <3