Well they are indeed.
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I'm nice only to a certain extent
navigations are the fours lines of lyrics. they are profile, entries, tagboard and links navigations respectively (from the top). |
Wednesday, May 29, 2013, 5:37 AM
aid to the broken
you have beautiful wrists & pretty pretty skins will your sons understand when you speak of reasons (/lies) of why it has slits i've heard your screams or sentences in capital with no dots that can close it like a lid like a scar that are showed but never told and never responded back darling i see your heart hurts it hates the cage sheltering it it hates the wall that are created from the boos of the crowd i've heard of things like words hurt more than broken bones (wrong) every wound must hurt no pain is greater than other pains it's not a competition so why do you keep denying there are no reasons (/lies) to hurt the only thing that defines you give yourself some love give yourself a chance to aid every wound to metamorph into something more beautiful because you are the only one that stays with your self until the end you were born alone & will meet death alone think of yourself as an army in one body and an army of you is strong. strong is a strong word. don't underestimate it. fairfarren <3 nbsp=""> joker , 4:44 AM
the sanity has
leaving me
blushing red
so bright, I
am blinded
daylight's star,
burn like supernovas
and I'm just a
longing to be near
your radiance,
teach me
how does it feels
to be
i am dead and
you see
it's always dark
to me
but i'll always
remain to
seek you
fairfarren <3 nbsp="">
a gift for 2013!
p.s: the shoujo manga high school conspiracy is a truth,
it's freaking creepy, it happens to everyone.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012, 3:41 AM
2012 is going to end soon,
not that it matters but,
keep holding on guys < 3
Saturday, December 1, 2012, 2:18 AM
"Everybody hates me, but you love me & I love you!"
hehe < 3
joker Monday, August 27, 2012, 3:09 AM
A Day In High School
A day in high school life
It's monday again. Woke up 30 minutes to school, dashed to erase my nail-paints, found out I don't have any appropriate shoes to wear (one is dr. martens other is studded all over) & left with my old middle school shoes I've worn for 3 years & have holes in it. Ate breakfast in the car along the way. Went to school only to go straight to the UKS/Health Centre to sleep bcs of stomachache. Yawning for the rest of the day. man I love my life. /sobs
Now fairfarren,
P.S: Dear friends!! Let's quit school!!!
Saturday, June 23, 2012, 4:38 AM
like always hi everybody I am back with so many things to vomit all over you :) I just graduated middle-school! My middle-school times was full of drama, just like everybody else's. A same class for 3 years made it hard to go but no tears at farewell, only pitiful laughs & goodbyes. Why? because I have no reason to cry, baby. middle-school sucks & so will high-school. so nothing really changes except the class. omg the class. the GIRLS. will it be awful? So now it's holi-freakin-day!! ...AW YISSS. Went on vacation so now I have nothing to do except getting fat. oh wait. I dyed my hair with the henna I bought from LUSH, & now my hair's crimson again. well not really. It was so freaking hard to do even thought my hair is short. but ugh i still want platinum blonde. & there's always the show.yes the show. At the last school performance, I joined the dance group. daz right. We made a 8 minutes long dance performance that was mostly kpop. We practiced 7 times in the dance room & like 4 times in the class. I mixed the song. I got to say we worked pretty well (I was the worst). & also I was the one who did the opening. I played the guitar miyavi-style. && the video is somewhere on youtube. the name is uhh pagelaran 9i. & then there's the lomba film pendek dokumentasi sekolah..... I was the one representing my class. I made the short-film with the help of the kids since they're pretty hilarious. I admit there was a video from another class that was better than mine, I thought it would win. But somehow I won .... wow. The first debut of JOKER films. oh baby is it boring? I'll add some photos soon cause I'm lazy right now. &; an hour later I'll be watching that Abraham Lincoln working as a vampire hunter in the cinema so & then I bought nail paints (is that what you call 'em?) look at what I did
My first time painting my whole 5 fingers since aqualips.
I call them 'Jongin's shattered clothes' nails because you know ;).
ok i sound creepy.
oh baby by the way my glasses broke
Ia tidak akan pernah terasa sama lagi.
what a pity I loved it very much.
& also now I'm wearing my last braces. so total new look for high school.
oh baby high school is coming should I run away should I go to the other side of the world to enter SMent should I go to japan & enter a delinquent's high school instead.
cuz I love the rough world.
So maybe I'll already be wearing my high-school suit in the next post.
oh baby
Fairfarren <3boohoo. Thursday, March 29, 2012, 8:34 AM
Give Night Some Love, Man
but I'm like, what am I doing right now. It is a month or so to my final test. Yes I am currently in my last year of middle school WHICH MEANS yes I am soon going to experience high school. To me high school is always manga. I mean the majority of 'school-life' mangas /coughshoujomajoritycough/ always takes place in high school. So I'm afraid, y'know. I'm afraid that I won't do/experience something epic in the last three of my teenage years. Cuz for some reason I'm stuck here. The chains won't let us sing. but maybe I'll run away. soon. but I'm still here, tumblr youtube twitter mangawebs are opened innocently. I couldn't care less. Final test is coming soon but y'know, it's like, "If I can be happy being a 'nobody', why not just be 'nobody'?". All that matters to me is happiness. But I'm happier to receive free food better than receiving good grade. & I know that I actually 'should' care. what is wrong with me. There are tons of mangas to read, tons of animes to watch, tons of games to play. So I just don't get it. Oh by the way within the first 3 months of 2012 I've won 2 eng competitions. Interesting. How did that happen again. & Fairfarren, it's getting too late. Give night some love, man. bye <3 |
Vanity isn't a sin, a little narcissm wouldn't hurt.
Am an evil two-headed mastermind.
I love my guitar, cuz it doesn't need battery.
I'm also a pianist, my keyboard is my piano.
If I don't stay quiet & calm, I could harm others.
And thank you for spelling my name correctly <3
A arum zisma B sarah Dila C Thaya Aira D Dhinna Zara E "Ajenk backtoyesterday
+ aid to the broken + the sanity has fled leaving me blushing r... + YOU BUILD UP A WORLD OF MAGIC BECAUSE YOUR REAL ... + "Everybody hates me, but you love me & I love y... + A Day In High School + boohoo + Give Night Some Love, Man + Happy 2012 + "Why won't you love me?! I'll be anything you want... + I once had that 'thing'. that pumps blood to the ... wheni'mgone
+ July 2010 + August 2010 + September 2010 + October 2010 + November 2010 + December 2010 + January 2011 + March 2011 + April 2011 + May 2011 + June 2011 + July 2011 + August 2011 + September 2011 + October 2011 + November 2011 + December 2011 + January 2012 + March 2012 + June 2012 + August 2012 + December 2012 + May 2013 takeabow
An accidentality production Inspiration from DancingSheep & BONBON:D |